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Your fitness journey

Your welcome workout

Ideal if you are new to the gym, or have trained with different equipment before. A member of our team will spend up to 60 minutes with you talking about your personal goals and what you hope to achieve, and familiarising you with the gym equipment and layout.

All new customers must undertake a welcome workout, prior to using the gym.

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Fitness Programme

Our qualified instructors can design a personal plan specifically for you according to your fitness needs and goals (FREE to members). Your plan is broken down into manageable, realistic steps that are achievable and fits into your lifestyle.

Personal review

After two weeks of working on your personal plan we will book you a programme review. Your progress will be assessed and the instructor will make sure you are on the way to achieving your goals. Free to members

Personal Plan refresh

At around the six week mark we will meet with you to refresh your Personal Plan. We will review your achievements, update your goals, make any adjustments and incorporate new exercises into your routine designed to keep surprising your body and keep you motivated. Free to members.

Feeling great!

Start seeing some fantastic results and continue achieving your goals through regular and invigorating exercises!